martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Dear martin,
Estimated martin 

In this letter I will tell you how was my trip to Europe, which walked, learned and enjoyment. I'll tell you something from every place we stayed.

The trip of studies that we realise was incredible, We learned a lot about the different places we visited, the different types of food cultures, but was not only learn on the trip, also we had football and rugby matches, where we meet other people, and it was very nice.

The first stop was Edinburgh, Edinburgh is great, the people were very friendly, women too. We had our first rugby match, our team won and was very entertaining. 

After that Edimburg we went to York, a pretty town where we went to an exhibition of trains was amazing also we had a match of football there.

The next stop was Bath, where we stayed was amazing, it was all very technological, was a university. we also went to Stonehenge was amazing, unforgettable, always I saw in photos and seeing him in person was amazing.

The next spot was Londres, my favorite place of the travel. Amazing city, We was four days there and did many things. But my favorite activity was The London Eye. 

After to Londres, we went to Paris France. The really is that I thought that It would have been better. The better place there was the Torre Eiffel, this was incredible, without words.

The next stop was Stra. Stra is a very small place, and the really we stay there becouse in venecia the hotels are very expensive.

And the last stop was Roma, very beautiful place, we was to the coliseum. Incredible experience, online I has seen de coliseum in films and being there was an unforgettable experience.

I hope you are well Martin

Atte: Nicolás Kuperman